Limited Time Offer

Life-Changing Conversation and Coaching with Erich

Unlock the transformative power of Non-Duality and effortless being with Erich, your guide to a life filled with intuition, serendipity, and bliss. This exclusive program is designed to help you discover your true nature and live a life of effortless abundance and joy.

For a limited time, seize the opportunity to engage in a life-changing conversation and coaching package with Erich.

This program includes:

Qualifying Call

A free initial consultation to determine if this program is right for you. During this call, you’ll discuss your goals, challenges, and aspirations with Erich.

Coaching Package

Upon acceptance, sign up for the comprehensive package, which includes ten one-hour sessions with Erich. These sessions can be conducted over Zoom or in person at The Frequency Retreat.

Program Highlights

Effortless Being

Understand and experience the essence of effortless living, beyond mental tricks and manifestations.

True Self Discovery

Dive deep into discovering your true nature and experience profound personal transformation.

Energy Elevation

Learn to elevate your inner energy levels, attracting joy, bliss, wealth, and health effortlessly.

Creation of a Personal Avatar

Discover why creating a personal Avatar is a proven tool to design the life you desire. Working together, we will craft your Avatar, which aligns your vibrations, energy, and frequency to attract what you truly desire. This process is about remembering who you really are, beyond the conditioning of society.

The Welcoming Method

Learn the welcoming method, a key technique for transforming unwanted outcomes by embracing and understanding unwanted feelings. Recognize that triggers originate within yourself and not from the outside world or other people. Once mastered, this method ensures that your trigger feelings dissolve permanently.

Group Manifestations

For leaders, entrepreneurs, or anyone working with a team, discover the untapped potential of group manifestations. Imagine aligning your team or relationships with the mission, vision, and purpose of your company or project. By selecting team members based on their alignment with their true nature, rather than just talents, you harness a powerful collective energy. This leads to unprecedented results and the evolution of your venture in a serendipitous way.

Practical Insights

Gain practical insights on how surrendering works in everyday life, leading to smooth and secure transitions.

Personal Transformation

Hear about Erich’s own life experiences and transformations, and learn how discovering his true nature changed everything for him.

Key Facts

Duration: Five weeks
Sessions: Ten one-hour sessions
Costs: USD 5.000,- for the entire package (over a periode of five weeks)

100% money-back guarantee if not satisfied within 30 days of course completion.

Contact us today to customize your perfect transformation experience.


Is the conversation and coaching offer for everyone?

Yes and No. If this offer resonates with you, there’s a good chance that you will greatly benefit from the program and advance your life transformation process. It’s important to be open and trust the process.

Yes, you can. If you decide to quit, you will be refunded for all unused hours. However, any used hours will not be refunded.

The benefits depend on your personal openness, engagement, and readiness to transform your life. You will receive a proven toolbox to help you shape your life into a desired outcome.

You will begin to feel the change immediately after the first session. Depending on your personal situation, you may either need to learn and absorb new concepts first or you might quickly enter a state of surrender, leading to conscious awareness and serendipity in your life.

Yes. Everyone is at their own unique point in life. We will first identify where you are and then create a personalized roadmap for the five-week process.

Get in touch


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